360|Flex San Jose 2008

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I’m going to 360|Flex San Jose (August 18 – 20, 2008). This is my first Flex conference. I had long maligned Flex as expensive and unnecessary. I have changed my religion!

I saw Peter Armstrong (ruross.com) at the Ruby conference in San Jose. Here’s a guy who built a flex+rails app during his presentation. It wasn’t a slicky talk. No oily powerpoint slide deck. Just raw. Working with the actual tools. Fat finger typo’s in the terminal. There’s an honesty in that.

Something clicked near the end of his talk. My team at work has been dealing with a serious problem. If you look at the site, you’ll surmise the depths of our problems. I had an ‘ah ha!’ moment. I saw a new architecture. End-to-end. And Flex is a part of that vision.

See you in San Jose.

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