Author Archives: kelly

I’m Sure

I travel. A lot. Not as much as I used to but it’s still a bit. When I travel, I take a stack of unread books. The stack I bring is always one or two books more than I believe I’ll finish. For example, my last trip to Delhi lasted two weeks. The reading list […]

Second Try

I want to allow people to comment on the site. I found that after I shut off comments, I simply stopped writing. Here’s a second try.


Peters, Tom. Talent: Develop it, Sell it, Be it. London: Dorling Kindersley Limited, 2005.

I picked Talent up in the Hong Kong airport last month. I thought I would read it on the flight to Delhi but found the format too annoying. The colored text on colored pages was simply too trying.

White Flag

I raised the white flag today. I thought I had turned comments off in moveable type (v 2.6x) and deleted all the old spam. But today — just 2.5 days after cleaning up the mess — there were another 556 spam turdlettes on the site. I don’t have time for this. I haven’t gotten the […]


People warned me. But did I listen? NOooooooo. I’ve been away from blogging for a while. When I came back, some 10,000 spam messages stained my comments. I have no time to deal with it except to delete all existing comments and turn comments off. Deleting comments the easy way required logging into mySQL. mysql> […]

Fear of Commitment – Redeaux

This is a rework of a previous speech. I delivered this talk for today’s Early Risers Toastmasters club speech contest. I changed the middle by replacing the work context with a general life context. My evaluator pointed out one area of needed improvement: I should relate the closing to my own life. I agree with […]