This is a must read. Title is ‘The Luxury of Ignorance: An Open-Source Horror Story’ I tried to use CUPS from my Mac. Crikey! I don’t know HOW it happened but I can now print to my laser printer over ethernet. Of course, it has one of those [not supported on OS X] ethernet […]
A pig and a chicken are walking down the road when they come upon a church where a revival is going on. {gesture towards audience} Any of you been to a revival? It’s been a while for me. Let me tell you, a revival is MOVING. Pig and chicken were moved, overcome by the spirit. […]
I got a message from Dan last week asking about favicons. See, we both are on Mac OS X. It seems anything that comes from the Windows word requires an extra level of understanding when it’s in the Mac world. After a bit of googling, I found the no non-sense answers I needed.
I said it last year, “This is my last COMDEX for COMDEX is dead” Yet, I went again. Just to see. It’s true. Last year was the death of COMDEX. This year was the ‘viewing’. All that’s left is to toss dirt in the grave.
I read a fair amount. I wouldn’t say a lot only because I don’t really read that fast. Well, that’s not true. Fictional and biographical works I cruise through fairly quickly. It’s non-fiction that slows me to a crawl. It was a decade ago that I realized the obvious. Just because you start reading a […]
As some of you know, my one and only purchase on eBay was the famous Fred G. Sanford Memorial Trailer or simply The Trailer. Tracy is still under-whelmed by its appearance but has conceded its occasional usefulness. To bring everyone up to speed, the trailer is the back half of a ’67 Dodge Stepside half […]